CAFS (Compressed Air Foam System) water mist backpacks are compact and portable firefighting units that integrate compressed air foam and water mist to extinguish fires. These backpacks are designed for use by firefighters who need quick access to an effective firefighting solution in a variety of situations.

  1. Compressed Air Foam : The CAFS component mixes compressed air with a specially formulated foam concentrate and water, creating a stable foam. This foam has excellent fire extinguishing properties, forming a thick blanket that quickly controls flames of fire.
  2. Water Mist : The backpack sprays a fine mist of water which further reduces the fire and oxygen levels.
Applications :

These backpacks are invaluable for controlling wildfires in remote or hard to reach areas. They can be used by firefighters to tackle structure fires, especially in situations where access is limited. CAFS water mist backpacks are suitable for responding to fires involving flammable liquids, chemicals and other hazardous materials.

Compressed Air Foam System

Compressed Air Foam System

Specifications 9 L
Fire Rating 4A, 233B, 75F
Working Temperature °C +5 °C to +60 °C
Extinguisher Medium Water + Foam
Working Pressure 15 bar
Cylinder Testing Pressure 35 bar
FinishingPO Red
Propellant Nitrogen (N2)